The times they are a-changin'In the past, financial model time periods were generally quarterly or semi-annual. There has been a gradual change and, now that suitable...
Model overviewTake a tour of a White Box Financial model and gain an understanding of how to make the most of the user functionality we pack into the...
ChecksWhite Box Financial models contain an extensive set of checks to allow users to have full confidence in the model results. We have put a...
Change logAll White Box Financial models contain a change log so users can keep track of how changes to the model have impacted its results as the...
Scenarios - Configurations and casesThis video covers building and analysing scenarios where scenarios are combinations of configurations and cases. This 8 minute video...
Cleaning a change logHaving a change log track how your model develops is incredibly helpful but it can result in it containing history of the model you may...
Scenarios - Single scenario managerThis video covers building and analysing scenarios in the model using a single White Box Financial scenarios sheet. If your model has...